Andrew Reinmann


Associate Professor


Phone: 212-772-5323
Office: 1039 HN


Dr. Andrew Reinmann is an ecologist and biogeochemist who focuses on plant ecophysiology and the terrestrial carbon cycle. He is particularly interested in understanding the effects of environmental change (e.g., climate change, urbanization, and land cover change) on the drivers of plant-mediated controls of terrestrial carbon cycling, and nitrogen dynamics as a limiting nutrient, across a continuum of human-disturbed ecosystems. His research draws from multiple disciplines and combines field observations, ecosystem experiments, and laboratory analyses with GIS, remote sensing, and modeling. Reinmann currently has projects in forested and human dominated landscapes throughout the mid-Atlantic and Northeastern U.S.

Prof. Reinmann welcomes the involvement of students, post-docs, and visiting scientists in the lab. Please contact him at if you are interested. He is actively looking for a Ph.D. student to start during summer/fall of 2021 — if interested, please click here (PDF).


Ph.D. 2014 Boston University, Biology
M.S. 2006 University of Maine, Forestry
B.S. 2001 Binghamton University, Environmental Studies

Research Interests:

environmental change, climate change, urbanization, and land cover change

Curriculum Vitae