Jack Eichenbaum


Ph.D, Queens Borough Historian


Email: jaconet@aol.com
Phone: 718-961-8406
Web: www.GeogNYC.com
Office: 1032 HN


Jack Eichenbaum is an internationally regarded expert in urban geography, real estate research and computer assisted mass appraisal. He holds degrees in physical science, social science and engineering, and have exceptional skills in research design, data analysis, and quantitative modeling.

As City Assessor, he has made contributions in all phases of the computerization of New York City's property valuation system: data collection, basic research, software implementation, programming, training, statistics. He pioneered the use of location response surfaces in valuation and helped plan a Geographic Information System (GIS) for the Department of Finance.

He organized and coordinate a citywide GIS interest group (GISMO) which educates and advocates for the diverse community of GIS users in the New York metropolitan area. He chairs the Public Data Access Committee of the New York Area Data Council and advocates for data integration throughout the region.

His academic career encompasses quantitative and theoretical research on migration, ethnicity, urban growth and neighborhood change. Dr. Eichenbaum is an authority on location analysis and the location value of real estate. He has extraordinary knowledge of the geography of New York City which he teachs at the City University.

Having lived and worked in Europe, Israel, Mexico as well as the United States, he adapts easily to new environments and he has conducted research in Spanish and English. He maintains international contacts among geographers, urban information system specialists and land policy professionals.


Migration, NYC, historical urban geography, GISMO, data