This web site is a collection of short reports and image libraries about the natural history of the New York Bight region. The goal of this project is to provide basic information about the beaches scattered throughout the New York Bight, emphasizing those within Gateway National Recreation Area (New York and New Jersey). Each web page linked to this report carries a theme related to the topics listed below. The web pages can be followed in a chronological order by clicking on the NEXT PAGE web link on the bottom of each page. But first...
1) INTRODUCTION to the physiography and geologic history of the New York Bight region. Links include:
2) Dynamic geologic processes that control the development of
modern coastal
3) Image libraries of "modern" SHELLS and other SEASHORE CREATURES that occur on area beaches.
4) PALEONTOLOGY of area beaches and significance of fossils in interpreting geologic history.
6) An INFORMATION GUIDE to further reading and research on the greater New York Bight region.
7) A TEACHER'S GUIDE is included to provide suggestions and tips for planning for field trip activities to area beaches related to the information in this report.
8) 50 of our favorite places to spend the day enjoying hiking, studying geology and nature in both rural and urban settings, all within a day's drive of NYC. Features include: The Empire State Building: Pyramid Mountain and Tripod Rock, NJ; Fluorescent Minerals of Franklin and Ogdensburg Area, NJ; Cheesequake State Park, NJ; and much more!
Phil Stoffer and Paula
CUNY, Earth & Environmental Science, Ph.D. Program
Hunter College, Department of Geography
Brooklyn College, Department of Geology
In cooperation with
Gateway National Recreational Area
U.S. National Park Service
Copyright September, 1996
(All rights reserved; use as an educational resource