Welcome to the Terrain Analysis Home Page

Hunter College Department of Geography, New York NY


The images above show the USGS 7.5 minute DEM of Beatty, NV as processed by:

All images were processed by Paula Messina, and generated at the Spatial Analysis and Remote Sensing Lab at Hunter College.

This home page represents an overview of current techniques, trends and applications of terrain analysis. It is the product of a seminar entitled Digital Terrain Analysis offered during the fall semester, 1995 at Hunter College of the City University of New York. It was led by Dr. Keith C. Clarke. I have tried to present current links to information and software, and a few notes from the seminar. Please feel free to make comments, suggestions, or submit materials for this Home Page to Paula Messina, pmessina@everest.hunter.cuny.edu.

Introduction to Digital Terrain Analysis

Cartographic Terrain Depiction Methods


The Terrain Skeleton

Radar Mapping Techniques and Applications

New York Metro Database

Solar Modeling

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URL http://everest.hunter.cuny.edu/terrain/index.html
Last updated February 3, 1997
Paula Messina - Webmeister: pmessina@everest.hunter.cuny.edu