Review the GUIDELINES before starting the written required and extra credit assignments.



Neatness counts. Presentation matters.


  • Just 10 assignments from the following menu of topics from each instructional part of the course totaling 10 for the semester are to be submitted by the deadlines listed above and on the syllabus. Your choice of 2+4+4 or 2+5+3 or 3+4+3 or 3+5+2.
  • Remember Part I + Part II + Part III must = 10.
  • Late penalties apply

PART I. Introduction to Geography: Concepts and Techniques.
(Select any 2-3 assignment questions from this section. One additional assignment question from this section may be used for extra credit. Deadlines apply.)

  1. The field of Geography focuses on spatial analysis and characteristics of any location on the earth’s surface (site) and its relationship to other locations (situation). Identify and explain the use of spatial analysis and site+situation characteristics with regard to the landfall of one Atlantic Basin hurricane in calendar year 2020.
  2. Through the centuries people have observed and studied the earth and how people have lived on the planet. Select a geographer, geoscientist, explorer, conservationist, cartographer or other person born during the period 1750-1990 and discuss that person’s contribution to geographic thought and/or our knowledge of the earth. Focus on the person’s contribution, not the person’s biography.
  3. The Five Fundamental Themes of Geography sum up the principles of geographic study. Find a news article from calendar year 2020 and identify an aspect of any four of the Five Fundamental Themes within the article. Attach the article to your assignment.
  4. Using the geographic definition of region, characterize the “New England” portion of the United States as (1) a physical region and as (2) a cultural region.
  5. The adjective “geographic” appears often when discussing Covid-19. The NYS Health Department created Yellow, Orange and Red Zones to track Covid-19 cases (see How is the creation, designation and reevaluation of these zones related to the concept of spatial distribution?
  6. Maps convey a wealth of information at a glance. Select a non-political or non-COVID map that was published by the NYTimes or any other news organization during calendar year 2020. Identify and explain the map’s cartographic variables and how they are used to convey information. Attach the map to your assignment.
  7. Remote sensing has become a tool for scholars (geographers, archeologists, geologists, historians, anthropologists) exploring and mapping areas that are difficult for field teams to reach. Using surveys in Guatemala as a basis, explain how long-lost remnants of the Mayan civilization were found and mapped using remote sensing techniques.
  8. Geographic data and the use of geographic information systems has revolutionized retailing on the internet. Describe at least two aspects of how geographic information (GIS) is incorporated into the search, acquisition and delivery of a product you researched and purchased online.

PART II. Physical Geography: Earth’s Natural Landscape and the Processes that Created It .
Corrected lecture slide references.
(Select any 4-5 assignment questions from this section. One additional assignment question from this section may be used for extra credit. Deadlines apply.)

  1. The interrelationship between the individual aspects of the earth’s environment (atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere) and the interrelationship between people and earth environment is well documented. Select one from the following 3 choices and explain a situation during calendar year 2020 where the actions of people over time contributed to the event.
    1. Discuss the relationship of climate change to the occurrence or spread of any climate-influenced disease in Africa. Be specific discussing the example you select. Document facts and opinions of others.
    2. Discuss the relationship of climate change to the occurrence of any one severe weather phenomena(except hurricanes) in North America. Be specific discussing the example you select. Document facts and opinions of others. (If you wrote on a topic in Part II-K, you cannot use that theme here.)
    3. Discuss the relationship of climate change to the food security situation in Asia. Be specific when discussing the example you select. Document facts and opinions of others.
  2. Calendar year 2020 saw Greenland’s ice sheet melt faster than at any time in the past 12,000 years. Discuss the environmental impacts will this have on both (1) Greenland and (2) planet earth over the next 100 years.
  3. The dynamic nature of the oceans is an important part of environmental science. Select one of the following two selections and write on this aspect of ocean science.
    1. From Lecture 11 Slide 6 select one aspect and discuss an example using the Hawaiian Islands as an example.
    2. The El Nino and La Nina phenomena are created by changes in ocean surface temperatures. Relate these phenomena to the regional weather patterns(see the 4 elements of weather).
  4. The elements of weather are in a constant state of flux and as an element of weather varies, so does its effect on the other three. Consult the local weather page of the NYTimes or the local weather data from the Weather Channel for any seven-day period. Discuss the changes that took place in our local weather during the 7-day period of your choice.Also, was the forecast on Day 1 for Day 7 correct?Be sure to address all four elements of weather in your write-up.
  5. In South America, Patagonia and the Atacama are arid areas (BW climate) but have different characteristics. Differentiate the creation of arid conditions of the Atacama vs. Patagonia: What factors make them dry?
  6. After viewing Lecture 9 Slide 12, create and explain a chart for global cooling.
  7. Lithospheric plate boundaries are categorized as divergent, convergent and transform. For each of the following 3 categories, describe the geologic situation in each of the following situations: 1) divergent boundary between the African and Arabian plates at the Red Sea; 2) convergent boundary between the Caribbean and Cocos plates at the West Indies; and 3) transform boundary between the Pacific and Indo-Australian plates at New Zealand.
  8. The Rock Cycle explains the natural formation of minerals and rocks. From the hundreds of minerals and rocks found in nature, select and explain the creation of: 1) any one mineral; 2) any one sedimentary rock; 3) any one igneous rock; and 4) any one metamorphic rock. Be sure to include all four in your answer.
  9. Topographic regions contain unique combinations of natural features that influence people’s use of the area. From Lecture 15 Slides 15-21, find an example of land use within any one topographic region of India and explain the interrelationship between people and nature.
  10. The biosphere exists at the interface of the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere and is sunlight dependent. Biomes are unique zones of life within the biosphere. Explain the nitrogen cycle as an influence to biome development.
  11. Natural processes are termed natural hazards when they adversely affect people (see Lecture 17). Select any one natural process and discuss why it is now deemed a natural hazard by governmental agencies and insurance companies. Use an example from calendar year 2020. Focus on “people interacting with nature” and also discuss a preventative measure espoused by governmental agencies and insurance companies to protect people. (If you wrote on this topic in Part II-A-2, you cannot use that example here. Select a different one.)
  12. Sometimes the works of people cause an environmental hazard. Select one from the following 2 selections and write on this aspect of people and nature.
    1. After viewing the video in Lecture 18 Slide 17 search for information on hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in Europe. Select one country that banned fracking and one country that allows it and discuss the policy difference between them.
    2. Salt water intrusion into freshwater supplies in an increasing phenomenon around the world. From calendar year 2020, select a study or report than focused on salt water intrusion and summarize its findings. Be sure to cite the source.

PART III. Human Geography: Earth’s Cultural Landscape and the Role of People in its Creation.

(Select any 2-4 assignment questions from this section. One additional assignment question from this section may be used for extra credit. Deadlines apply.)

  1. Evidence of the Five Fundamental Themes of Geography and the application of geographic principles can be found in all academic disciplines. Using your major or intended major as a choice (geography and environmental science majors select your minor) explain how an aspect of geography is present in this discipline.
  2. Culture is defined as a learned phenomenon. Select one from the following 4 selections and write on this aspect of cultural geography.
    1. It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Look through travel brochures/advertisements paying close attention to photographs. Select one travel photograph and discuss its “cultural landscape.Attach a copy of the photograph with your response.
    2. Toponomy is the study of place names. Research the origin/meaning of the name of the neighborhood in which you live or the name of a prominent feature within that area.
    3. Cultural Ecology joins geography, anthropology, sociology and biology in studying people’s interaction with other living things in nature. Using the Southeast Asia culture realm as a stage, identify and discuss one example of cultural ecology in that region.
    4. Cybergeography studies the spatial interaction provided to users of internet-based platforms. Identify and discuss how an aspect of cybergeography has affected your life in during 2020. Do not use the same example if you answered Part I-H.
  3. Population Geography studies people with regard to their habitat. Historically, people have congregated in certain areas of the world because of benefits afforded them. Select one from the following 3 selections and write on this aspect of population geography.
    1. Using the Islamic Cultural Realm of Northern Africa as a stage (do not extend your discussion to the Arabian Peninsula and SW Asia), first consult a population density map for that area and then identify and discuss the areas accommodating the greatest and least numbers of people. What accounts for the large concentrations of people in some areas and the lack of people in other areas? Can it be linked to the Demographic Transition Model?
    2. Over time individuals and families make choices about relocation. Using your family as an example, weave the push-pull-stay factors into your individual or family history.
    3. Overpopulation has a simple definition but in many areas of the world it is a difficult problem to address and rectify. Using the Latin American Cultural Realm as a stage, address an overpopulation issue in any one country.
  4. While Medical Geography focuses on the well-being of people as an aspect of habitat, it also studies the cause and spread of disease. Select a pandemic or epidemic that was identified before 1975 and discuss its source, diffusion and cure (or means of control).
  5. In Economic Geography, the production, exchange and consumption of goods and services is a product of spatial variabilities. Select one from the following 4 selections and write on this aspect of economic geography.
    1. Address the concept of “production, exchange and consumption of goods and services is a product of spatial variabilities” in light of any end of year holiday shopping you or your family did in 2020.
    2. The 2020 holiday season brought to light some limitations of the Just-in-Time delivery system. From your personal experience discuss a Just-in-Time delivery situation that affected your holiday purchases and gift giving.
    3. Regional food insecurity brought about by global climate change can be magnified by population shifts and the changing focus of regional economic activities. Discuss the relationship of climate change to the food security situation in Sub-Saharan Africa Cultural Realm when coupled with the shift within the Demographic Transition Model from agricultural to manufacturing/service activities in these areas. Be specific when discussing the selected example. Document facts and opinions of others.
    4. A person’s interaction between places changes over time based on necessities, needs and preferences. Using the “Spatial Interaction as a Percent of Time Spent Traveling Between Places” diagram in Lecture 22, construct a comparison diagram comparing your movements in January 2020 vs. those in January 2021. Explain the changes if any, including types of activities, personal priorities, means of transportation and the like.Average the times between places over the course of a two-week period.
  6. Globalization has its proponents and opponents. From the economic-cultural-political geography point of view, discuss (a) one positive and (b) one negative outcome of globalization that occurred since 1950.
  7. In Urban Geography, we study concentrations of people and their works and how the urban phenomenon changes the physical landscape and creates a cultural landscape. Select one from the following 2 selections and write on this aspect of urban geography.
    1. Urbanized areas, especially the larger cities, have been a magnet for people since the mid-20th century. Select one city of East Africa and trace its historic development(original site and situation, reason for being, economic/political base, population change) since its founding.
    2. Urban neighborhoods are miniature world regions. Using your neighbor(or one with which you are familiar) as an example, describe land use, population make-up, languages heard, cooking aromas and patterns of movement.Can you determine where your neighborhood ends and another begins?
  8. Political Geography looks at the interaction between political decision making and its effect on the physical and cultural landscape of an area. Select one from the following 3 selections and write on this aspect of political geography.
    1. International regional civil unrest has been tied to a nation of people wishing to govern themselves (stateless nation). Locate and explain the geopolitical situation concerning ONE of the following ethnic groups: Baluchi; Basques; Kurds; Tigre; Uighurs (Uyghurs).
    2. The 2020 U.S. presidential election brought Electoral Geography into the focus as candidates and political parties concentrated on certain geographic areas to gain the most benefit from the smallest number of people. Certain parts of states were visited multiple times, while whole states did not receive an in-person visit. Go to the New York Times election map at https:// -states.html. This is an interactive map that allows you to see different scenarios, and experiment with various combinations of state votes. We know the result. However, explain other strategies by using different combinations of state tallies that could have achieved the 270 votes for either candidate.
    3. Many currents events have geographical components or are influenced by their location. Select a non-COVID or non-U.S. election newsworthy political story from 2020 and explain the geography behind it. Attach the article to your response.
  9. Zoning is a political process creating a human imprint on the landscape by dictating what type of land use is permissible. This encompasses many aspects of human geography. Visit the New York City Department of Planning web site: Click on ZONING to access the Zoning and Land Use page. (Note the zoning map may be enlarged by using the “plus (+) sign”, different layers may be added by using the “on-off switch” on the left side panel and there is a 360° photographic street view, called Cyclomedia, available.)
  10. First enter your home street address in the search to bring up your community information. Then enter another address to compare areas (or use Hunter College’s address: 695 Park Ave, Manhattan as the second address). Compare both areas. Describe the similarities and differences in zoning and resultant land utilization in the area surrounding both addresses.


You have the option to submit for extra credit a maximum of five analytical essays from the “Thinking Geographically” (TG) section at the end of each chapter. Write on just one discussion point from each TG box for the chapter selected. 

IMPORTANT: This is NOT the “REVIEW & DISCUSSION” section at the end of the chapter.

**** You may substitute one response from each required Instructional Parts
above for a TG essay (maximum of three substitutions). ****

See PRESENTATION GUIDELINES on page 2 for focus. Be sure to include introductory and concluding paragraphs.

At the end of the semester, each essay deemed "Good for Extra Credit" will earn you one percentage point over and above your final term average of test scores with a maximum of 5 percentage points added to your final term average. For example, if you hand in four acceptable essays, you will increase your final average by 4 points; if you hand in 2 essays you will increase your final average by 2 points.

NOTE DEADLINE: Extra credit essays may be handed in at any time up to May 14, 2021.
It is best to write and submit an essay after you have read the chapter, rather than waiting for the last week of the semester to do prepare them.

Neatness counts. Presentation matters.

No Extra Credit Essays will be accepted after May 14.
None will be accepted on the day of the final exam.
Last updated March 16, 2021 .