
The following was graciously provided by Patty Ahmetaj. The source of the figures cited and much of this information is from Flattening the Earth: Two Thousand Years of Map Projections, by John Snyder. University of Chicago Press. 1993.

Graphics: Were gratiously provided by Paul S. Anderson.

In the Conical Projection the graticule is projected onto a cone tangent, or secant, to the globe along any small circle (usually a mid-latitude parallel). In the normal aspect (which is oblique for conic projections), parallels are projected as concentric arcs of circles, and meridians are projected as straight lines radiating at uniform angular intervals from the apex of the flattened cone. Conic projections are not widely used in mapping because of their relatively small zone of reasonable accuracy. The secant case, which produces two standard parallels, is more frequently used with conics. Even then, the scale of the map rapidly becomes distorted as distance from the correctly represented standard parallel increases. Because of this problem, conic projections are best suited for maps of mid-latitude regions, especially those elongated in an east- west direction. The United States meets these qualifications and therefore is frequently mapped on conic projections.

Variations in conic projection can take four forms:

History & Use

Ptolemy (believed to have lived between A.D.90 and A.D.170), although he made no reference to a cone, introduced two projections with concentric, circular arcs for parallels of latitude (like conics) but with meridians that are broken straight lines or circular arcs. These projections although conic-like, were not conic.

Giovanni Matteo Contarini's (d. 1507) only known map, a world map of 1506, is a modification of Ptolemy's first conic-like projection (fig.1.8). Contarini doubled the span of the meridians from 180 degrees to the full 360 degrees; he extended latitudes to the north pole and he continued the meridians unbroken to about 35 degrees S without a bend at the Equator. Contarini had developed an equidistant conic projection having the same scale relationships north of the Equator as those of Ptolemy.

In 1507-08, Johannes Ruysch (d.1533) generally followed Contarini's modifications but placed the North Pole at the center of the circular arcs of latitude and equally spaced the parallels from this pole to the map limits at 38 degrees S (reconstructed in fig.1.21).

Wilhelm Schickard (1592-1635), an astronomer and mathematician of Tubingen, Germany, who designed and built a working model of the first modern mechanical calculator, was apparently the first of a half dozen 17th and 18th century mapmakers to use the conic projections for star maps.

Equidistant or Simple Conic

Classified as:

Lambert Conformal Conic (Johanne Heinrich)

Classified as:

Bipolar Oblique Conic Conformal

Classified as:

Albers Equal-Area Conic (Heinrich Christian)

Classified as:

Lambert Equal-Area Conic (Johanne Heinrich)

Classified as:

Perspective Conic

Classified as:


or a world map of the Polyconic

Classified as:

Rectangular Polyconic

Classified as:

Modified Polyconic - Int'l Map of the World Series

Classified as:

Bonne (Rigobert)

Classified as:

Werner (Johannes)

Classified as: